The IELTS Listening Test determines a candidate’s ability to function in both ‘Social’ and ‘Academic’ situations.

The IELTS Listening Test determines a candidate’s ability to function in both ‘Social’ and ‘Academic’ situations. If you are living in a country where English is spoken as a first language, there are a number of 'Social Context' situations where you will have to listen to someone speaking English. For example, you may need to telephone a landlord about renting an apartment, or you might want to arrange a night out in a restaurant with your friends from university or college. Likewise, if you are studying in a country where English is spoken as a first language, you may have to listen to a lecture or presentation, take part in workshops and discussions, and perhaps speak to your tutor or classmates about an assignment you receive. The listening module of the IELTS Test establishes your ability to be able to deal with such situations.